• September 25, 2024
  • drsfurtimann
  • 0

Every year on 25th Sep world Lung Day is observed to raise awareness about lung health and promote better lung care around the world. It endeavours to highlight the importance of healthy lungs and to address the causes and prevention methods of lung diseases.

Basic function of lungs are

  • The basic function of lung is movement of air in and out from the lung
  • Gas exchange : meaning oxygen goes to cell and cardio dioxide removal from blood to air space and then out
  • Sound Production.
  • Sense of smell.
  • Protection from dust and microbes, which are thrown out during coughing with the help of cilia.

Normally lung function decreases, that is there is reduced ventilation and oxygen intake during sleep and intense activity. Normally our lungs contain around 500 million air sacs called alveoli which helps in gas exchange i.e., oxygen from air space goes to blood and carbon dioxide from blood to alveoli and then exhale out during breathing Now in case of smokers smoking causes these air sacs (alveoli) get destroyed due to hot air, smoke and toxic chemicals which causes irritation and swelling in our air passages, which leads to narrowing of air passage . Patient has breathing trouble, wheezing (whistling sound), cough and excessive sputum production .

Test to look for lung status

  1. Chest X ray: This is the basis test every smoker must have it
  2. Spirometry: To look for function of lung damage / function of lung every smoker must perform this test
  3. CT scan: Low-dose computed tomography, or CT scan to look for better view of lung which may not be there in chest xray.

Benefits of smoking cessation :

The best part is if you stop smoking, the damage to lungs stops immediately and over time you will notice many benefits like within 20-30minutes your heart rate and blood pressure goes down. In 12 hours the carbon monoxide levels go back to normal, within one week sense of smell and taste improves, in 2-12 weeks your circulation improves, lung function improves, cough and wheezing disappears, Vit C level (which is antioxidant) increases, shortness of breath decreases and one year later the risk of coronary heart disease reduces to half and five years later the risk of stroke reduces to non smoker level, even the risk of lung cancer (in certain cases) reduces after 10-15 years of quitting smoking.

So protect your lungs by saying NO to smoking !